Why am I doing this?

As I am sure you all know, I am prepping to move to Tel Aviv Israel on Saturday to participate in a long term internship program. While there I will be living with other Jewish young adults and working at a tech blog. It is a thrilling time in my life, one which leaves me excited and terrified.

I have been asked about why I am doing this. Why take an internship halfway across the globe when there are plenty of internships in my field in the States. Why move to a country with a completely different culture than mine, with a language I can’t even speak. Is it because I am a Jewish? Is it my anthropology degree calling me to the Middle East? Is it the travel bug telling me to see the world? On some level I think it’s all of these things.

This is me setting out into the world, on an adventure that I am unsure I would have been able to complete even a year ago. This is all about a desire to prove myself, to set out into the world and see what it has to offer me.

Of course I’m scared. For the first time in my life I will be on my own and instead of simply moving a state or two over I am moving across the Atlantic. It’s the biggest step I could possibly take. This doesn’t mean I am unexcited though. I am thrilled and ready. I invite you to follow me here as I discuss my thoughts on my travels, the world, the universe, and general geekery.

So why am I doing this. I suppose the best way to put it comes from the final comic of Calvin and Hobbes. So in the immortal words of a boy and his stuffed tiger, “It’s beautiful world out there, let’s go exploring.”


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